



1. The officials soon realized that, __________, things would get worse.

A. unless dealt with it properly B. if not properly dealing with it

C. unless properly dealt with  D. if dealt not properly with

2. what if we meet with a situation ___________ none of us are able to deal with?

A. where   B. in which    C. what   D. that

3. The process of curing a disease is like a war _________ different soldiers fight against an enemy.

A. where   B. when     C. as    D. while

4. I hold the view ___________ she stated was true.

A. that    B. what     C. that what   D. which

5. -Where have you been all day?

--We _________ some lovely children and we couldn't get away from them until it was dark.

A. met    B. meet     C. have met   D. have been meeting

6. ___________ what to do, I decided to ask the teacher for advice.

A. knowing not   B. Having not known

C. Not knowing   D. Not having known

7. You can hardly imagine the great trouble I took ____________ your house.

A. to find   B. finding   C. found   D. having found

8. Now I'll present the facts __________.

A. on which to be based my opinion B. which to base my opinion on

C. upon which to base my opinion D. which to base my opinion upon

9. -It cost me 30 yuan to get here.

--Well, it was crazy of you to take a taxi __________you would come by bus as well.

A. unless   B. if    C. when    D. because

10. ___________ is no wonder that he passed the maths exam.


A. It     B. There   C. As    D. Which


1. A short, thin man, __________ past middle age, visited the manager and lied for the job.

A. much B. well C. too D. highly

2. __________ you are familiar with the author's ideas, try reading all the sections as quickly as possible.

A. Now B. Ever since C. So that D. As long as

3. The famous painting that is __________ so much praise can be seen in the museum.

A. with B. beyond C. without D. within

4. Helen, when you receive some e-mails, don't answer any e-mail ________ your private information, however official they look.

A. seeking B. asking C. requesting D. accepting

5. _________ is known to us is that the old doctor, for _________ life was hard in the past, still works very hard in his late life.

A. As; whom B. What; whom C. It; whose D. As; whose

6. A short, thin man, __________ past middle age, visited the manager and lied for the job.

A. much B. well C. too D. highly

7. __________ you are familiar with the author's ideas, try reading all the sections as quickly as possible.

A. Now B. Ever since C. So that D. As long as

8. The famous painting that is __________ so much praise can be seen in the museum.

A. with B. beyond C. without D. within

9. Helen, when you receive some e-mails, don't answer any e-mail ________ your private information, however official they look.

A. seeking B. asking C. requesting D. accepting

10. _________ is known to us is that the old doctor, for _________ life was hard in the past, still works very hard in his late life.

A. As; whom B. What; whom C. It; whose D. As; whose


1.------How did you spend the holidays?

------I went nowhere but stay at home. I‘d like to ________ to the beach, but my mother was ill.

A. go B. having gone C. be going D. have gone

2.---I wonder why Mr Green hasn‘t showed up at the meeting yet.

---I‘m not sure, but he _______ in a traffic jam driving here.

A. could be stuck B. might stuck

C. might have been stuck D. must have stuck

3.The factory produced many famous cars, none of ____ shipped to foreign countries.

A. them B. which C. it D. what

4.The Indian Ocean tsunami at the end of 2004 is believed _____ more than 160,000 people and made millions homeless, _______ it perhaps the most destroying tsunami in history.

A. to kill; making B. to have killed; making

C. having killed; to make D. killing; made

5. Is it true _____ the rain stops, it will be as hot as in the summer here?

A. when B. that when C. whenever D. that

6.Mike, as far as I know, _______ like to play music.

A. seems B. ears C. feels D. does

7._______, Jack couldn‘t get the door open. He had to dial 911.

A.As he might try B.Try as he might C.As might he try D.Might as he try

8.They traveled by ______ day without a rest in order to reach the destination by ______ day of July 4.

A.a; / B./; / C./; the D.the; /

9.He is such a lazy man nobody wants to work with 。

A.as; him B.that; whom C.as; 不填 D.whom; him

10.When ______ at the ticket office, my brother and I found we didn‘t have enough money to buy tickets for ______ of us.

A.arrived; the two B.arrived; two C.arriving; the two D.arriving; two









