



英 语


第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)


第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)




例:H uh i the hirt?

A £1915 B £918 C £915


1Where de thi verti tke ple?

A I lr B I hpitl CI ueu

2Wht de Jk t t d?

A Tke fite le

B Buy pir f y he

C Che hi rk hedule

3Wht re the peker tlki but?

A Wht t drik B Where t eet C Whe t leve

4Wht i the reltihip betee the peker?

A Cllee B Clte C Strer

5Why i Eily etied i the verti?

A She iht t tiket

B She i lki fr the

C She h extr tiket




6H l did Je ru hi buie?

A10 yer B13yer C15 yer

7H de the feel but Je" ituti?

A Ebrred B Cered C Dippited


8Wht h Kte" ther deided t d?

A Retur t hl B Che her jb C Retire fr rk

9Wht did Kte" ther tudy t llee?

A Oil piti B Art hitry C Buie diitrti

10Wht i Kte" ttitude trd her ther" deii?

A Dipprvi B Abiuu C Udertdi


11Wht i the di?

A Chiri eeti

B Hti rdi prr

C Cduti jb itervie

12Wht beefit Mry t i her jb?

A Her ide redi B Her leder" uide C Her fried" help

13Wh ill Mry tlk but ext?

A Her teher B Her fther C Her ther


14Why de the eld d exerie?

A He lk tivti

B He h hert prble

C He rk ll the tie

15Wht de Jb Sttelir prbbly d?

A He" thlete B He" reerher C He" jurlit

16Why de the pek f tudy?

A T eure the

B T reed exerie

C T upprt her fidi

17H uh tie ill the prbbly ped exerii eekly?

A300 iute B150 iute C75 iute


18Wht did the ietit d t the rd?

A They repired it B They pited it C They blked it

19Why re yu bird dr t the rd urfe?

A It" r B It" br C It" th

20Wht i the purpe f the ietit" experiet?

A T keep the bird there fr hle yer

B T help tudet tudy the bird ell

C T prevet the bird fr bei killed

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分35分)




Zhrih Fike h uuul hbby He fid ld ilitry(军队的)edl fr le i tique tre d the IteretBut ulike t lletr, Z trk d the edl’ rihtful er, d retur the

Hi effrt t reuite filie ith lt edl be ith Chrit ift fr hi ther, Purple Hert ith the e Crrd A G Pili, fud i tique hp Z k the ei f Purple Hert-he ered e hielf i r ldier S he hi ther ve hi the edl, he ke riht y ht he hd t d

Thruh the Iteret, Z trked d Crrd’ iter Adelie Rkk But he he filly rehed her, the flded hi ith queti: &qut;Wh re yu?Wht tique hp?&qut; Hever, he he hu up, he reretted the y he hd hdled the ll S he lled Z bk d plized S he drve t eet Z i Wtert, NY &qut;At tht pit, I ke he et buie, &qut; Z y &qut;T drive eiht hur t e t ee e&qut;

The Pili re up the hildre f Itli iirt i Wtert Crrd, trltr fr the Ary duri WWII, killed i ti i Eurpe

Befre heri fr Z, Adelie hd’t relized the edl ii Like y ilitry edl, the e Z’ ther hd fud fily treure&qut; Thi edl very preiu t y pret Oly peil i(场合)uld they tke it ut d let u hld it i ur hd,&qut; Adelie y

A hild, Adelie uld"t udertd hy the edl iifit “But I re lder,” Adelie y, &qut;d ied y brther re d re, I relized tht the ly thi e hd left&qut; Crrd Pili’ Purple Hert edl h t the Itli Aeri Civi Aiti i Wtert

Z reetly retured ther lt edl t fily i Alb Sie he firt reuited Crrd’ edl, Z y hi rerd i 5 fr 5

21Where did Z et Purple Hert edl fr hielf?

A I the ry

B I tique hp

C Fr hi ther

D Fr Adelie Rkk

22Wht did Z relize he Adelie drve t eet hi?

A She very iplite

B She eriu but the edl

C She upeted hi hety

D She e fr elthy fily

23 Wht de Adelie treure the Purple Hert?

A Her pret’ dvie

B Her klede f tique

C Her hildhd dre

D Her ery f her brther


Mey ith tri tthed It’ t ethi yu ee every dy But t Ui Stti i L Aele lt th, brd et up ith dllr bill tthed t it ith pi d i tht red, &qut;Give Wht Yu C, Tke Wht Yu Need&qut;

Peple quikly uht Ad hile y tk dllr, y ther pied their h t the brd “Peple f ll e, re, d i-ei(社会经济的)bkrud ve d tk, ”id Tyler Bride f The Tlbx, hih reted the prjet &qut;We eve hd bride i her eddi dre e up t the brd d tke fe dllr&qut; Mt f the bill the brd ere ile, but fe peple left five, te d eve tetie The vide lip(片段)h e h hd fud $ 20 bill pii it t the brd

“Wht I y fr the flk tht ve the t, i tht they ere full f ile,” Bride id “There’ erti feeli tht ivi d fr yu d tht ppret i the tht ve the t&qut; Mt peple h tk dllr tk ly fe, but Bride id very ll uber tk uh they uld

While the lip iht lk like prt f e d pi, Bride id the ly l t h eerity d ypthy He dded tht he hpe peple i ther itie iht try iilr prjet d pt their vide the Iteret

“After ll, everye h bd dy d d dy,&qut; he id “Se dy yu eed helpi hd d e dy yu be the e ivi the helpi hd”

24 Wht de the exprei &qut;ey ith tri tthed&qut; i prrph 1 e?

A Mey pet ithut heitti

B Mey t lelly de

C Mey ffered ithut diti

D Mey t tied tether

25 Wht did Bride t t h by etii the bride? A We teded t be re ible

B The tivity ttrted vriu peple

C Ei prble ere etti re D Yu uple eeded fiil ite

26 Why did Bride rry ut the prjet?

A T d tet peple’ rl

B T rie ey fr hi py

C T er hielf d reputti

D T prte kide d ypthy


Clifri h lt hlf it bi tree ie the 1930, rdi t tudy t be publihed Tuedy d lite he ee t be jr ftr(因素)

The uber f tree lrer th t feet r h delied by 50 peret re th 46, 000 qure ile f Clifri fret, the e tudy fid N re pred r uffeted, fr the fy rther t t the Sierr Nevd Muti t the S Gbriel bve L Aele I the Sierr hih utry, the uber f bi tree h flle by re th 55 peret; i prt f uther Clifri the delie erly 75 peret

My ftr tributed t the delie, id Ptrik Mltyre, elit h the led uthr f the tudy Wdutter treted bi tree Hui develpet puhed it the d Areive ildfire trl h left Clifri fret rded ith ll tree tht pete ith bi tree fr reure(资源)

But i pri tudy f Clifri fret de i the 1920 d 1930 ith ther e betee 2001 d 2010, Mltyre d hi lleue dueted idepred deth f bi tree tht evidet eve i ildld prteted fr dutti r develpet

The l f bi tree retet i re here tree hd uffered the retet ter hrte The reerher fiured ut ter tre ith puter del tht lulted h uh ter tree ere etti i pri ith h uh they eeded, tki it ut uh thi rifll, ir teperture, dpe f il, d the tii f elt(融雪)

Sie the 1930, Mltyre id, the biet ftr drivi up ter tre i the tte hve bee rii teperture, hih ue tree t le re ter t the ir, d erlier elt, hih redue the ter upply vilble t tree duri the dry e

27 Wht i the ed prrph ily but?

A The eriue f bi-tree l i Clifri

B The irei vriety f Clifri bi tree

C The ditributi f bi tree i Clifri fret

D The ifluee f fri bi tree i Clifri

28 Whih f the flli i ell-itetied but y be bd fr bi tree?

A Elil tudie f fret

B Bi dutti

C Liiti hui develpet

D Fire trl eure

29 Wht i jr ue f the ter hrte rdi t Mltyre?

A Idequte elt B A ler dry e

C A rer lite D Dpe f the ir

30 Wht be uitble title fr the text?

A Clifri" Fret: Where Hve All the Bi Tree Ge?

B Cutti f Bi Tree t Be Prhibited i Clifri S

C Why Are the Bi Tree Iprtt t Clifri Fret?

D Ptrik Mltyre: Gr Mre Bi Tree i Clifri



Rk ui it f y differet tyle Eve thuh there i pirit ll ui rup, they ke very differet ui 31 At tht tie the Betle etered the rld f ui fr Liverpl

After they ere ive ivitti t pper live BBC, the Betle quikly bee fu i Briti ith tiide tur By id-1963, the Betle hd bee extreely ppulr i Eld 32 They held lre ert d perfred t lub They bee the httet thi the pp ui ee i Eld They be detly ueful uii rup d eded the yer h buie leed(传说) Jh Le d Pul MCrtey ere ed per f the yer

33 They ere t ure h the Aeri uld ret t the e type f ui Betlei hit Ne Yrk Februry 7, 1964 Hudred f f jed the irprt t reet the 34 The ert brdt live d ttrted the lret e iht udiee i the hitry f televii up t tht tie The Betle ere deribed Britih ivi(入侵)by ll d tiide epper t tht tie Their vitry i Aeri till reebered jr turi pit i the hitry f rk d rll Thk t the Betle, lt f pprtuitie ere peed up t e fe the rket 35

A They deided tur t the Uited Stte i 1964

B Eve their hirtyle bee jr tred t tht tie

C Rk ui develped i the 1950 d the erly 1960

D Hever, their hed the live f eerti t e

E My rk bd ere ble t fll i the fttep f the Betle

F They ppered i the fil A Hrd Dy" Niht(1964)d Help!(1965)

G They perfred their firt ert i Aeri t CBS televii" 53rd treet tudi

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题15分,满分30分)


There re lt f y t rie ree fr ue Uully, the 36 the ide i, the re it et tied Ad tht’ preiely hy e 37 Freh h uht ur tteti

Bptite Dubhet i biki r Eurpe,urvivi 38 dirded(丢弃)fd The three-th, 1 900-ile jurey fr Pri t Wr i Dubhet’ 39 f rii ree f fd te i Eurpe d thruhut the rld

A yu 40 , the trip i piee f ke While returt 41 t f fd eh yer, uh f it rei ieible beue f 42 rbe tier, helth reulti, r buie pliie Oly but e i te ple 43 hi fd tht uld therie be dirded

Fr lel 44 , t returt hve pliy it 45 fd te &qut;Se peple hve eve 46 their jb by ivi e fd,&qut; Dubhet id

Wht" 47 itereti i the ttitude vriu itie hve trd Dubhet’ ue Berli h bee the 48 hile the t diffiult the Czeh t f Pile There, he hd t 49 t e 50 differet tre r returt befre fidi fd The 50 i ll the re eriu he yu ider the 51 exerie required t bike fr Fre t Pld

&qut;I hve t et fd 52 beue fter ll the biki I tired d I eed the 53 ,&qut;

Dubhet explied &qut;I y 54 full r epty? Tht i the t iprtt thi, t ht I eti&qut;

He i t 55 hi jurey by id-July With y luk, he’ll tur fe re hed i the pre

36 A leverer B lder C trer D ipler

37A rbe-eti B prt-lvi C fd-ti D l-breki

38 A eretly B filly C etirely D prbbly

39 A purpe B y C pii D dre

40 A berve B iie C uet D reeber

41 A tre B k C hp fr D thr y

42 A lked B ded C eted D bded

43 A buht B ffered C rdered D ld

44 A re B riht C fee D id

45 A bei fr B ivi y C hidi D ui

46 A did B kept C epted D riked

47 A hrdly B uully C prtiulrly D erely

48 A eiet B eret C biet D rihet

49 A rk B hut C k D jup

50 A petiti B verti C flit D hllee

51 A dequte B rerdi C dedi D uitble

52 A i B le C lter D ft

53 A pirit B eery C tie D effrt

54 A th B hd C pket D bket

55 A rre B retrt C reprt D fiih


第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分45分)



There re everl re hy hl uifr re d ide Firt f ll, uifr help the hl lk rt The tudet feel tht they bel t prtiulr rup Whe every pupil i the hl er the uifr, bdy ____56_____ (hve) t rry but fhi(时尚) Everybdy er_____57____ e tyle f lthe Uifr be ueful i uexpeted y, A hl i Ireld h itrdued itereti e uifr O the ede f the jket, there i piee f lth ____58_____ive ff liht i the drk Whe the hildre re lki r _____59____ (yle) t hl drk ri, r driver _____60____ (ey) ee the

But uifr help iprve hl tdrd? The er _____61____ thi queti i t ler Oe tudy i Aeri fud tht tudet" rde _____62 ____ (iprve) little fter the hl itrdued uifr But e tudet did"t t ____63_____ (er) the uifr Other Aeri tudie hed _____64____(et) betee uifr d hl perfre

Shl uifr re _____65 ____ (trditi) i Briti, but e hl re trti t et rid f the Se very d hl d"t hve uifr pliy Hever, uifr re till ppulr Pupil t but 90 peret f Britih edry hl er uifr

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)

第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)








第二节 读后续写(满分25分)


Pret everyhere prie their kid Je Ber, uthr f The A t Z Guide t Rii Hppy d Cfidet Kid, y, &qut;We"ve e t the ppite extree f fe dede he pret teded t be re trit&qut; By ivi kid lt f prie, pret thik they"re buildi their hildre" fidee, he, i ft, it y be jut the ppite T uh prie bkfire d, he ive i y tht" iiere, ke kid frid t try e thi r tke rik fr fer f t bei ble t ty tp here their pret" prie h put the

Still, d"t t fr i the ther direti Nt ivi euh prie be jut di ivi t uh Kid ill feel like they"re t d euh r tht yu d"t re d, reult, y ee pit i tryi hrd fr their plihet

S ht i the riht ut f prie? Expert y tht the qulity f prie i re iprtt th the qutity If prie i iere d fued the effrt t the ute, yu ive it fte yur hild de ethi tht deerve verbl rerd&qut; We huld epeilly reize ur hildre" effrt t puh theelve d rk hrd t hieve l, &qut;y Dhue, uthr f Preti Withut Fer: Letti G f Wrry d Fui Wht Relly Mtter &qut;Oe thi t reeber i tht it" the pre t the ed prdut tht tter&qut;

Yur y t be the bet bketbll plyer hi te But if he" ut there every dy d plyi hrd, yu huld prie hi effrt rerdle f hether hi te i r le Prii the effrt d t the ute l e reizi yur hild he he h rked hrd t le the yrd, k dier, r fiih bk reprt But htever it i, prie huld be ive e-

by-e bi d be prprtite(相称的)t the ut f effrt yur hild h put it it









