英语作文套路万能模板有哪些 常用模板参考




Dear ,

I’m writing to invite you to .(发出邀请)

There are some points you may want to know about . (活动主题)During ________, we will have lots of activities you are interested in .(活动的具体内容)First, .(活动介绍一)Second, .(活动介绍二)

I believe that you will be very interested in . For one thing/First, ________. For another/Second, ________(受邀人参加的理由)

Since the ________ will begin ________, is it possible ________? I really hope you can come/I’m looking forward to ________.(提出希望)




Dear ,

I am very to know that .(写信的原因)I’m looking forward to .(表示期待)

I’m afraid that .(表述提出建议的原因)I’d like to suggest that . First ; then .(提出建议)

I believe this kind of arrangement will .(建议的作用)

Moreover, if , it is necessary for you to .(补充建议)

Wish .(祝愿)

Yours sincerely,



In recent days, there has been a problem , which is becoming more and more serious.(说明问题及其现状)First, . Second, .(进一步阐释现状)

We should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation. For one thing, ________. For another thing, ________. Finally, ________.(列举解决该问题的方法)

Personally, I believe that ________/Consequently, I’m confident that a bright future is awaiting us because ________.(结尾段,指出"我"的信心及理由)


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2.四川重点大学排名一览表 哪些大学好

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4.浙江省所有大学排名 哪些大学最好

5.211最好的前十所大学 哪些学校好

6.200多分能考什么大学 有哪些学校

7.安徽省最好的十所大学 哪些大学实力强

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